mic ur28m cubase pro 8

To avoid a lot of questions you should provide some screen shots that will answer most of the questions…

  • VST Audio system menu showing what ASIO driver is assigned
  • VST connections menu showing the assigned buses in the Import and Export Tabs menu
  • Project screen showing the assigned Inputs and Outputs in the Inspector section for your audio track
  • Project screen showing what is enabled for your audio track (Record enabled, monitor enabled, etc)

Basically you need to make sure you have these things correctly assigned:
You assigned the correct ASIO driver for your UR28M in the VST Audio System menu.
You need to have set the correct Input and Output Buses in the VST Connections I/O menus.
You need to have chosen the correct Input and Output buses to your project audio track. The Input bus would be the one where you have connected the mic on the UR to. And the output bus would most likely set to be the UR main stereo out.
You need to have the correct settings enabled on the project audio track.

Regards :sunglasses: