HALion 6 content location???

hi all, glad I found this thread I have Halion 3, Halion 4, Halion 5 content on my D: Drive from upgrading along the path over the years.

Now ive installed Halion 6 (phew!). and its thrown it on my small SSD drive (like everyone else) without asking (grrr)

so heres my questions:

1:/ can I delete all the library files for 3, 4 and 5 finally…ie does Halion 6 have ALL the content/sounds/presets of the earlier ones?

2:/ Has Steinberg changed the vstsound files as they have gone along…or have they simply added more files to the library? ie if I did a file comparison of the different libraries and deleted files with the same name…will they be the same file length? identical data inside?

3:/ on my drive C there is two folders of VST Sound:

c:\ProgramData\Steinberg\Content\VST Sound
c:\ProgramData\Steinberg\Content\HALion\VST Sound

none of the filenames are exactly the same…what a mess. why are there 2 folders…?

many thanks!