why so many new versions so fast

My point exactly. A lot of you misunderstand my post. Let me rephrase my self in another context(which is true as well)…so imagine you buy a new hardware synth and it has some bugs and features that don’t work yet or are not fixed yet. now “caugh!” Waldorf makes a new version of the synth that’s more powerful ect…now they don’t support your old synth anymore because they are on to bigger and better( and the synth still doesn’t have the fixes and features)…the new synth has all the new fixes that the old synth needed but hmmm you need to upgrade.

It’s just jumping the gun before you make a solid product.

Look at access. They have basically 1 product but don’t come up with new versions every year(yes synths and daws are very different) but the point is they try to make a solid product until the bigger and better comes around.

I’m not bashing steinberg they are great, I’m just thinking they are going to quick.

That is all I am saying.