Windows 10 - please do not upgrade! Discussion

Wasn’t even tempted. Just finished uninstalling win10 after a month of testing. Here are the highlights for those who are tempted:
The good: maybe 3% faster overall, 5sec faster boot up time, nice window management, DirectX 12 promises 10% better CPU usage (some day), idiot proof apps and app store for the “mobile generation”. All in all a nice OS for your grandparents and your 5 year old kids. Even better if they use it on a tablet.

The bad: Plethora of bugs and inconsistencies, compatibility issues with a LOT of software, Cortana is fun for exactly 15 minutes, OS GUI for the visually challenged, OS icons are back from win 3.1, no desktop gadgets, no WMC, and an all around oversimplification of the OS that makes one feel like their PC has been reduced to a cell phone.

So after a month of testing, I did the math and realized something: there is not a single good reason to upgrade to win10 right now.
Sure, the cutting edge people will mindlessly upgrade for upgrade’s sake and “bragging rights”, a lot of users will upgrade because it’s free and they don’t know any better, and a few people will upgrade because they genuinely need/want to.

Long story short, If I want to use a mobile OS, I’ll use it on my mobile device, not on my 3000$ DAW. Just because win10 is better than the fiasco called win8 , doesn’t make it good. Just less bad.
So I downgraded back to win7x64 and I’m sticking with it for the foreseeable future. And with over 60% of users on win7, compared to the 13% on win8 and the sad 0.2% on win10, Windows 7 is not going anywhere for a long time… so expecting Steinberg to discontinue it just shows how out of touch with reality some people are.