ASIO Latency Compensation Problems

I am not sure i can follow all this but i think you missunderstand the ASIO latency compensation for midi/Instrument Tracks. Its intended behaviour that the recorded midi notes are delayed by the output latency of your driver. I don’t really understand the problem.
Midi is totally seperated and independend from the Asio driver and can not been directly compensated by the ASIO Driver. Its a different system. Usually Windows Midi or DirectMusic.
And here comes the problem: with an output latency as high as 54ms you will surely notice a latency in monitoring your instrument when pressing a key to play it right?.
Usually you would subconciously press the key too early in order to hear the sound correclty in time wich is most probably the amount of your output latency. Since the Asio driver can not directly compensate the midi notes your notes will be recorded to early in the timeline wich would most problably be a time arround your 54ms of output latency. Now the “Asio latency compesation” will delay the recordings of your midi notes by your 54ms of output latency to compensate your early pressing of the key. that is all what it is.
