VSL and 1.0.30

Not as such, but you don’t have to. Take a look at the attached screenshots, which shows the VSL Solo Violin Preset Level 1. It consists of 3 matrices mapped to midi keys 36,37,38. The cell you want to reach is in red, sustain vibr marcato, living in matrix 2 at the 2nd horizontal position.

The next screenshots shows how the Expression map in Dorico will look like for reaching this (red) cell…

Not every playing technique in Dorico will trigger at this time, but the basic ones certainly do (arco, legato, pizz, stacc., spicc., tremolo … ) Later on, especially when we can define our own techniques, it should be possible to utilize the power of VSL to a much larger extent. I also get the impression that the Dorico team will try to implement some level of humanoid choices, like Human playback in Finale do. (E.g. calculate from the note value and the tempo the duration of a note (marked staccato) in milliseconds, and if it falls below a threshold (fixed) the technique Spiccato will be sent, if it falls above Staccato will be sent.)