HALion 6 content location???

Purchased the H5-H6 upgrade yesterday, wish i’d have read this thread first as i wanted to locate the content on a different HD.

WHY can’t you chose the location of content during install? Pretty sure this was possible with previous versions as i have all my H5 content on a different drive.
It’s not a major issue for myself as i still use a large HD for my system drive, i just like to run any sample libraries on a separate HD to spread the load on large projects.

Thought i’d give the content manager a go but it will not let me move the files!!! What is the point of a content manager that won’t allow you to ‘manage’ the content? Very pretty GUI but not really useful :frowning:

Will try moving the files manually later on today for a laugh :unamused:

UPDATE: Ran the content manager in Admin mode and all is good! just me being thick as usual lol… Been using for a few days and REALLY impressed so far… VERY nice update :smiley: