An open plea to Steinberg

Cheers Stephen, and thanks to yourself from me, that’s a great summary of some of the issues I think. If we’re too group under one label though it seems that “erratic recall of multichannel instrument tracks” might best sum it up? And actually I’ve made the same mistake as you in that while I’ve discussed all this with support in relation to what is now CAN 13042, there’s not really a lot here on the board regarding it. I don’t know whether its best to try and formally widen the scope of CAN 13042, or try and get this logged as a separate issue. I strongly suspect that the problem code is common to both, and thinking about it logically is more likely to be related to something in the recall process as opposed to something in the disabling / exporting track archives.

One other way I’d thought to avoid the multichannel instrument track bug in Track Archives would be if you could do everything with Rack Instruments, but alas that doesn’t seem to be possible either - you can’t save a rack instrument with a Track Archive. In fact I think that was the reason I went down the multichannel instrument track road in the first place.

Steve, should I start a thread on this issues and get you to join these posts to it?