An open plea to Steinberg

Given that CAN 13042 has been known for some time and no corrections for it have been issued (as far as I know), a new Issues Report might put a new light under the kettle.

If you do post something I suggest, as always, keep it very, very simple. Step by step, repeatable examples. The problem is the errors are variable and, apparently, somewhat “intermittent.”

For me, the disappointment was that Archives did not work as the original OM says (per post above). I got better results with Templates and so have been concentrating on that. I can make Archive Import and Import Tracks from Existing Project work in a general way.

As far as Track Vs. Rack I tried them both. I found that neither worked as the original OM described in terms of importing a Track Archives or Import Tracks from Project. The current on-line OM does work in the basic way the video I mentioned illustrates.

I think “erratic recall of multichannel instrument tracks” works as a topic for a new Issue Report. Might it be that the issues are with the instruments themselves? Perhaps this is something instrument companies should be made aware of if they have not been – see what they have to say? Problems do happen, it seems, with both 3rd party and Steinberg’s own instruments. The coders will have to have their own conversation about what this problem actually is and what can be done, if anything. to correct it.