Feature request - turn off speakign mic during recording

When you disable master channel record enable it does so visually, but internally that state is always on, it’s just a visual bug that is fixed with the next version - which we are currently preparing, along with other significant improvements.
“I did lower the input gain on that channel to zero, because that caused it to not be hearable during tracking, but you are saying that it still gets recorded for the stereostream?”
No. The “gain” dials control the cue (main) mix inside the Performer, which is what is beeing sent back to Studio (compressed or lossless stereo stream) and that also gets recorded in HD on the Performer side, regardless of its record enable settings. So if you lower it to zero, nothing of that channel should be audible or recorded into the main stereo signal and recording. The channels’ record enable buttons make that channel beeing “HD recorded” directly from the input, or with inserts (fx button), independantly of the record cue dials (“gain”). Those are just for the stereo main mix stream and recording.