Next Clip Edge and Splice

No, no markers at all. I’m talking about split, or edit (which I’ve been calling splice).

To be specific, to reproduce:

  1. Place a clip on track 1, at the left edge.
  2. Place a similar length clip on track 2, at the left edge.
  3. Split the clip on track 2 at a number of random spots.
  4. Place the cursor near the beginning in track 1, and press ctrl+pgdown.
  5. Press S.

Wavelab will put a split in the clip on track 1 in the same place as the first split in the track 2 clip.

  1. Press ctrl+pgdown again.
  2. Press S.

Nothing happens. (in Wavelab 9/9.5 anyway).

In Wavelab 8.5, it would have put a new split in the track 1 clip, and will continue to do so with each ctrl+pgdown and S, all down the line to the last split in the track 2 clip. That is the behavior I’m missing in Wavelab 9/9.5.