Stream Deck macro keypad

A quick note: I have bought Notation Express and have adapted it to the German version of Dorico (for Windows). This involved a few changes to the keycommands_de.json file (where Dorico stores the user-defined key commands) and to the Stream Deck profile itself (because the German Dorico uses several different shortcuts like Ö instead of ; for triplets etc.). Philip R has a copy of these files, so if you’re using Dorico on a German Windows installation and buy Notation Express, just ask him about them.


P. S.: I just hope they’re not going to release too many updates because it’s practically impossible to diff/merge Stream Deck profiles. All edits have to be made in the Stream Deck app manually :wink: (if anyone can prove me wrong, I’d be glad to hear it, but so far my efforts have been frustrating because the profiles are stored in zipped and nested directories whose names appear to be randomly generated UUIDs, so comparing two profiles fails spectacularly…