Unable to Install Cubase/Nuendo Libraries in Mojave


I was able to install the content via an old installer of Nuendo I had (which I also own). I can’t guarantee this will work, but try these steps:

  1. Go to Cubase 10.5 Updates and Downloads | Steinberg and download the very first full Cubase 10.5 installer from November 13, 2019. It’s down the page a little. Download the one that says FULL INSTALLER. This should theoretically include the 3.0.23 Library Manager because the broken one (3.0.25) wasn’t released till this year.

  2. Uninstall Library Manager 3.0.25 (if you’re on Mac, drag it out of your Applications and into the trash - you can’t just install the older one on top of it). Then install the 3.0.23 Library Manager instead.

  3. I don’t know if this step is necessary but someone mentioned it in another thread so I did anyway: open the 3.0.23 Library Manager and have it open when you’re installing Cubase 10.5 (in the next step).

  4. Install Cubase 10.5 with all its content using the legacy installer you downloaded in step 1. Hopefully (fingers crossed) it will install all content using the older Library Manager.

  5. Update Cubase to 10.5.11 using the smaller update file available in the Steinberg Downloader or on that first link I posted.

Good luck, and let me know how you go!