Desktop Intel vs AMD

Hello, I will build a computer, and I’m in doubt about choosing the processor. As the door cubase on AMD processors? My choice would be to AMD, AMD FX Series FX-8350 4.0Ghz and Intel would Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Box.

What is the best choice?

Intel (sadly) beats AMD when it comes to DAW build.
I would stretch budget a little and go for i7-4790K

What problems will have? I use cubase 7 elements with maudio fast track ultra 8r. I use guitar/bass plugins, some compressors and Eq. and ozone5 to masterezing.Amd has 8 real cores, so I have more processing power, no?


Use Google Search - you will find that Intel gives more power for the same money you spend bulding DAW.

Intel is basically the de-facto standard in processors. Any given software will be written to run first and foremost on an Intel based processor. AMD (et al.) processors are designed and built to be Intel ‘compatible’ and as such, in order to avoid patent infringement, the hardware architecture must of necessity be different to some extent. This difference may or may not impact the efficient running of a given application.
A Software Vendor will usually test their software on AMD processors simply due to proliferation of the latter, but their applications are pretty much always “written” on an Intel.
So you decide. :wink:

Not exactly true. x86-64 architecture is designed by AMD and it’s Intel who is nowadays producing AMD ‘compatible’ processors. This of course doesn’t change the fact that Intel’s processors gives more bang for your $/€/£.

I accede to your more knowledgeable claim. My main point however is that software is still predominantly written and run initially on an Intel based platform.

Intel may be a better bang for your buck, but a while back I fired up my old 1st DAW build, a single core AMD 1.6GHz, and I was surprised on how well it ran against my quad core Intel @ 2.5 GHz… for basic minimalistic projects anyway.

As long as it’s powerful enough to run what you need it to, I’m guessing either would do the average user fine. I am partial to Intel however.

Thanks for the replies! Helped me a lot. Intel is the safest way to work and amd for gaming or for less demanding users.
I will use amd and make overclocker, and later invest in something like “i7”


Thanks for the replies! Helped me a lot. Intel is the safest way to work and amd for gaming or for less demanding users.
I will use amd and make overclocker, and later invest in something like “i7”


I realized that my comment may not have come out right…it’s not that my older single core 1.6 GHz AMD stacks up against my quad core 2.5 GHz Intel, neck to neck in performance (not the case!)…but I only meant I was surprised that some projects that weren’t too large, ran as fine on my single core AMD machine as my quad core Intel machine.

Though I still stand by that, as long as the CPU is powerful enough for what it’s needed for, then it should be fine.